To better understand and treat frequent heartburn, it is important to first identify common risk factors and facts:
Fact: Eating before bed triggers heartburn. You may experience worsening or more frequent heartburn if you routinely eat late at night. Try to eat at least 2-3 hours before bedtime so your body has time to digest before you lie down. Also, elevating the head of your bed may provide additional relief. According to a new heartburn incidence survey, 42% of frequent heartburn sufferers report trouble sleeping because of this condition.
Fact: Holiday heartburn is real. When Americans see a holiday dinner spread, they find that their eyes are bigger than their stomachs. In fact, when asked to name their worst "heartburn days of the year," those with frequent heartburn most often cited Thanksgiving (43%), followed by Christmas/Hanukkah (35%), and July 4th and New Year's Eve (both tied at 14%).
Fact: Smoking can worsen heartburn. When individuals smoke, it can cause the muscle between the stomach and esophagus to relax, which can contribute to stomach acid refluxing back into the esophagus.
Fact: Certain foods can provoke heartburn. People with frequent heartburn (74% of frequent heartburn sufferers overall) report that certain foods and beverages can trigger their heartburn. According to the survey, acidic foods (41%), spicy foods (32%), rich or fatty foods (24%), caffeinated beverage (16%), alcohol (7%), and dairy products (7%) trigger frequent heartburn episodes. Eating too quickly, overeating / eating large meals and being overweight are also related heartburn triggers.
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